Hi I am Britt

Hi I am Britt
Classic me pic

About Me

Chef Brittany Gresh is a Le Cordon Bleu graduate. While working as full time cook at the amazing Union Bistro in Castle Rock Colorado she runs Fresh with a G with her father Gus Gresh.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

ahhhhhh Moving

Sorry I have not posted in a bit, I am in the process of moving for the 3rd time in 2010. Oh well life of a young cook (even though my mentor called me a chef last night). So in the past few days I have learned quite a few amazing things. 1. If you drive a Jeep Wrangler like I do if you take the back seat out you have a lot of space! and I mean a lot. Now not nearly as much as my sister with her truck which came in handy yesterday but I fit 10 boxes in my jeep without even trying. 2. Putting yourself in super uncomfortable situations is not a bad idea, now I am talking social situations. 3. I am addicted to GORP! Good Old Raisins and Peanuts! YUM.  Well back to moving I promise I will write a much longer post this evening.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Castle Rock Oktoberfest

I love my hometown. No really I do, I might find it insanely claustrophobic, but I still love it. Today was a prime example of what I love about Castle Rock. Today was the Oktoberfest but more importantly it was the dedication of the JAX memorial. The turn out was amazing; all of us who had the honor to know JAX or his Human partner were moved to tears. All I can say is all K9’s go to Heaven and thanks for all your service in protecting all the people of Castle Rock.

Now with that said yikes nowhere in Oktoberfest is there any thing truly Gluten free, the announcer if said, “ if you have a wheat or gluten allergy swallow quick before your throat closes.” Really I don’t think so man, no way is a beer worth it so I thought I should give everyone a few Oktoberfest gf options. Of course if you are celebrating at home.

My favorite Gluten Free Beers!
  1. New Grist! This is my favorite by far.
  2. Red Bridge it’s not bad but you can get it at most Liquor stores.
  3. Greens this probably is my next favorite but the hard part is finding it, but it is worth the search.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

1/3 cup Brown Rice Flour

1/3 cup White Rice  Flour

1/3 cup cornstarch

1 cup quinoa flakes(also if need be you and buy quinoa run it through a coffee grinder or spice grinder)

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

3/8 cup peanut  oil

3/8 cups peanut butter

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup plain almond  milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

Here is how

Preheat oven to 350 F
spray one cookie sheet with nonstick cooking spray

Combine dry ingredients one medium bowl
 Mix wet ingredients in one large bowl
 Add the dry ingredients to the large bowl and mix(I like to use my hands so I make sure its all nice and mixed together) to form dough.

Bake for 8-10 minutes till Golden Brown and Delicious.

Lets start out on a positive note!

Some times living in the Gluten Free world is well a challenge and trust me I know! But there are days like yesterday where being Gluten free is really not bad at all. So I guess I should tell you a bit about me and why you would ever want to read my blog. I am gluten free (Celiac blah) and have been for the last say 4 years, now with that said I am no where near perfect, in fact I cheat and suffer for it. So this blog is about being well a Glutard and starting out in my dream career. Starting out as cook 2 and working my way up to chef someday! Also this is a way that I can help other gluten free people. I plan on posting recipes as I create them and would love love love the feedback. I am also going to hint on where to eat gluten free in the Denver Metro area well till I move then I will tell you all the places to munch in the Ski towns!
            So on to my amazing day yesterday and why I decided to go through with writing a blog! I got my first job in the culinary world, 7 days after graduating, I can’t complain. But this was better than I could have hoped. I brought up to my chef that “Hey I do live my life gluten free and have a gluten allergy” instead of the response I normally get which is oh can you work with flour (yes I just cant eat it). He was excited to have some one on staff he could hand over the gluten free specials and deserts. YAY!